Huwebes, Marso 8, 2012

Honey Benefits

Honey is not only tasty but also very useful. In ancient times, honey was the only cure. They treated many diseases. Now people use honey to prevent produce from his many drugs are used as masks for the face and hair.

Honey its healing power can compete with many drugs - the main thing to cook and eat the drug out of it and know when to stop. Not many people know that the daily dosage of honey is for adults - not more than 200g per day. For the prevention and strengthen the body enough 50-60g, and children 1 teaspoon per day. We do not recommend honey added to hot tea or hot milk. Drinking should be warm.

Honey is of various kinds. When the digestive whitener works best steppe honey, mint, or buckwheat. The respiratory system is the best treatment or mountain lime honey. Who kidney infection would be the best honey of the field of herbs, fruits, berries, and especially the chestnut. In diseases of the cardiovascular system is well suited collected on the basis of nectar honey lavender and Melissa.

Foundations of family relationships

Family relationships are quite difficult subject to talk over. But let’s try to analyze the foundations of family relationships. Foundations of family relationships are the basic topic for young families.

Respect is on the first place

It’s good, when your partner admires you on any occasion. The first thing you should learn is to be respectful to your companion. Long family life have only couples who respect each other. The external changes should be treated calmly and you should love your better half for his inner beauty.

Touch me, darling

Give each other the care and tenderness, there is no matter where you are. Smile, hug, gently touch and kiss your spouse. Take a moment for such a pleasant, but very important details that will make you much closer. And he will not grumble at you for underdone potato and switch on the TV football. Tell him how he is a hard-working, brave and gentle.

The dispute on the appropriate topic refreshes family relations

Peace and tranquility reign in the family where one spouse is looking reverently into his mouth next. But this idyll is a rarity. The dispute on vital topic, exciting the surrounding community can make its own distinction and show you not only the eloquence of your spouse, but also his intellectual capacity. Again there is reason to be proud of him. And do not make a mistake! Reading, keeping abreast of news is very helpful. Not about soup and socks do you always talk. Betting is very useful to abstract topics, not related to family problems, relationships with family and children.

Family is not a battlefield

Use sex as a weapon in a dispute between the spouses is not recommended. Disturbing you settle the problem with sex means to postpone it for later and do not allow once and for all. And then, to harbor resentment and hatch plans for future strategies of the family are absolutely useless. Remember that love in marriage, physical and spiritual experiences several stages, so be prepared for this turn in the relationships. The main thing is to realize that changes take place with you are not the cause of finding a new partner outside of marriage.

Trends in the clothing of athletes

Clothing today is an integral attribute of any sport, any kind of training. Today, many companies understand how important it is for human sport and everything that is associated with it. That is why at last time clothing manufacturer with a worldwide reputation systematically produces or updates the line of sportswear.

Athletes tend to change approaches to training, the same applies to the style of their clothes. After all, clothes are not only charges the mood for active training, but also helps feel comfortable.

The idea is that modern running shoes are designed in view of the sport, where they will find the one way to athletics, while to train powerlifters and bodybuilders the other. The same goes for outerwear, for example, for some athletes in sport is important to keep warm the muscles, while for others it is essential that the heat as soon as possible eliminated.